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Komentari citalaca
Molimo Vas da procitate pravilnik o postavljanju komentara
Autor: Fahra Kurdija
Objavljeno: 26. April 2013. 16:04:20
Postavljanje komentara na ovaj prilog nije vise dozvoljeno.

Crni Labud (2013-05-01 07:59:04)
Gore navedeni tekst me je naveo da i ja napisem nekoliko rijeci o Dzematu Seattle kao i o sadasnjem i bivsem izvrsnom odboru IZ Seattle.
Prvo, osoba koja je napisala ovaj tekst nije kompetenta da to cini. Zalosno je da neko ko do jucer nije znao kojoj religiji pripada pise tekstove o IZ Seattle i Abdulah-efendiji. Ovaj tekst kao i komentari iste osobe ( jako je smjesno da pisac komentarise sopstveni tekst ) su samo dokaz da je sadasnji odbor IZ Seattle sve ucino da se otjera tadasnji imam ( Abdulah-efendija ).
Ja neznam sta moze biti vece licemjerje nego bjezanje od dzamije za vrijeme gradnje sto su cinili sadasnji clanovi odbora ( doduse ne svi ), valjda da nebi izdvojili koji dolar ili na neki drugi nacin pomogli vjernicima koji su to sa ponosom radili i gradili.
Sam pisac ovog clanka koliko se sjecan nije ni znao ni gdje se dzamija gradi a kamo li da donese rucak ili kahvu za one koji su svoj znoj ugradili u temelje ovog vjerskog objekta.
Isto tako kada je pisac ovog teksta izabran za blagajnika ( cistacica preuzima poslove profesionalnog racunovodje ) na sastancima odbora pojavljivala se u subari i uskim farmerkama sto nije u skladu sa kodeksom oblacenja u islamu. To su ipak pravila I obicaji Islama koja se uce u prvom razredu mektebske nastave.
Sto se tice novog odbora oni najbolje znaju kako su dosli do tih funkcija. Njih su izabrali clanovi koji su se uclanjivali dan - dva prije godisnje skupstine, ili su cak uplacivali clanarine na vratima prije ulaska na skupstinu. Vecini tih clanova je trebao GPS da bi pronasli Dzamijske prostorije.
Sada ne samo da su otjerali Abdulah-Efendiju nego su sve ucinili da i clanovi koji su najvise doprinjeli gradnji Dzamije sve manj dolaze i sve se vise ogradjuju od novog odbora koji ama bas nista nije konkretno ucinio za ovih par godina odkako vode ovaj dzemat.
Ako je organizovanje 2 teferica I postavljanje jedne klupe na mezarje uspjeh onad Vam upucujem cestitke od srca.
Abdulah-Efendija je najzasluznija licnost za postojanja i rad ovog dzemata. Isto tako u prikupljanju donacija za gradnju dzamije njegova zasluga je u iniciranju vise od 70% doniranih sredstava. Mogu samo reci da je sretna zajednica koja ga je dobila za imama.
Kompletna familija postovanog Abdulaha-Efendije zajedno sa hanumom Hadzirom je porodica kojoj se ja licno divim i ponosim sa djecom koja su odgojena po najvisim normama Islama. Ovim ne zelim davati komentare na dolazak novog imama jer je na njemu da se dokaze sta zna i moze, ali vrijednost i kvalitete Abdulah-Efendije mogu samo ocjenjivati oni koji su bili uz zajednicu citavo vrijeme. Vecini clanova je poznato pod kakvim pritiskom je bio Abdulah-Efendija ( anonimni telefonski pozivi, psovanje neuzibilah Boga u samoj Dzamiji od starne clanova novog odbora, omalovazavanje njegovog rada i mjesanje u vjerske obrede ….. ) Medjutim novi odbor zeli izgleda poslusnike a ne obrazovane i napredne osobe kao Abdulah-Efendija koji je tako lijepo povezao nasu IZ sa svim vjerskim ustanovama u Washington drzavi. Zasto gore nevedeni pisac ovog clanka ne navede da je Abdula-Efendija trenutno na UW ( University of Washington ) gdje pohadja postdiploski studij iz komparativne religije ( Magistar ).
Sama cinjenica da je na otvaranju Dzamije bio prisutan sadasnji Guverner drzave Washington govori dovoljno o sposobnosti tadasnjeg odbora IZ Seattle. Cinjenica je da vise od polovine clanova sadasnjeg odbora na celu sa predjednikom nije naslo za shodno da dodju na svecanjo otvaranje ovog objekta.
Osobe koji su sadasnji clanovi odbora su konstantnim optuzbama o “lopovluku”, “kradzi” “zloupotrebi” …. zelili na svaki nacin zaustaviti gradnju ovog objekta. Cak je bilo I prijava inspekciji od strane istih ali sreca je da je iskusni graditelj ( Ahmet Kulaga ) radio sve po propisima tako da je to uz Allahovu pomoc sve dovedeno do kraja.
Iako pojedini clanovi ranijeg odbora i sada upucuju ruku pomirenja ( stop o mom misljenju nisu trebali ) oni to odbijaju i ovakvim tekstovima i komentarima samo produbljuju podjeljenost.
Jedino me tjesi cinjenica da cemo ako bogda svi odgovarati za nase poteze pred dragim Allahom Dz. S. i tamo nema sakrivanja iza laznih tvrdnji.
Ovim ne zelim nikoga omalozavati niti dizati u zvijezde ali kao osoba koja je clan ovog Dzemata od samog pocetka zelim reci da su cinjenice nesto sto niko nemoze pobiti.

Samo svi moraju znati da ce se i ovaj odbor IZ Seattle jednog dana zvati BIVSI.

S postovanjem

Zabrinuti clan IZ Seattle.

farah (2013-04-30 22:00:09)
LJudi,sto ste se uhvatili osobe koja u tekstu nije ni jednom rijecju pomenuta od strane autora?Cak se doticete I njegove cestite porodice. Sve te epitete ste mu sami nakacili!Bolje bi bilo da mu na takav nacin ne pomazete.A da I od dobrog ima bolje,trebali ste dolaziti u dzamiju pa se I sami uvijeriti.Ovako nastavljate zivjeti u proslosti.
dumos (2013-04-30 19:39:19)
Selam komentatorima ,ovo je zista sramota svih sramota , volio bi znati kojim linijama su dosli u dzemat prvo ovaj Omerovic pa i Jusic i sta li ovaj prvi dokturira , kakvo je vjersko obrazovanje autora ovog teksta. Odkako pamtim a pamtim zadnjih 50 godina u bosni pa sada i ovdje kada jedan imam ulozi sav svoj trud u gradnju dzamije po zavrsetku IMAM je prvi koji dodju na odstrjel dzemata .Abdulah ef zelim sto vise sabura , mada znam da toga njemu ne manjka , a nagrada za ovoliko licemjerstvo ce mu dobro doci na sudnjem danou , tesko licemjerima .
Ismet Kandzic (2013-04-30 03:09:57)
Citajuci text Bosnjaci Seattlea Dobili Novog Imama moram priznati da sam se jako iznenadio deskripcijom ef. Abdulaha Polovine. Ovdje je ef. Polovina predstavljen u veoma negativnom izdanju. Nisam pisac ali osjecam nepravdu zbog toga i pisem. Efendija Polovina je bio Imam dzemata Seattle dugo vremena i poznajem ga licno. Covjek je radio neumorno za dzemat i dzematlije.
Pod njegovim rukovodstvom dzemat Seattle je jedan od najorganizovanijih dzemata na zapadnoj obali Amerike a vjerovatno i sire. To je bio jedan covjek kome si se mogao obratiti u svako doba i uvijek bi bio tu. Gdje god bih otisao od Canade do Californie ljudi s kojim sam se susretao uvijek bi pitali za Ef. Abdulaha Polovinu. Uvijek bi mogao cuti "kako smo mi u Seattlu sretni da imamo takvog Imama"
Zelio bih iskoristiti ovu priliku i zahvaliti se ef. Abdulahu Polovini na svemu sto je uradio za nas u Seattle-u.

AdmirMujezinovic (2013-04-29 01:42:04)
Od Ebu Hurejre, radijallahu anhu, prenosi se da je Allahov Poslanik, alejhis-selam, rekao: "Ko vjeruje u Allaha i Sudnji dan neka govori dobro ili šuti; ko vjeruje u Allaha i Sudnji dan neka bude pažljiv prema svom komšiji; ko vjeruje u Allaha i Sudnji dan neka počasti svoga gosta." (Buhari, 10/445. i Muslim, 47.)
farah (2013-04-28 23:12:56)
Tuzno li je bivsim rukovodiocima ove IZ posmatrati sadasnje rukovodstvo posto ih(vas kako kazete) podsjeca na mini strukturu BiH politickog rukovodstva u koje su neki od bivsih na neki nacin bili ukljuceni ili potajno gajili nadu da budu dio toga.S toga su i dovodili neke bivse i sadasnje politicke lidere na racun dzemata da se prikazuju i pise o njima a time su gradili samima sebi IMIDZ kako bi dogurali preko IZ do neke ministarske fotelje.Ali narod je osijetljiv i osjeti brzo ako je zapostavljen,pogotovu u dijaspori.
Novi imam ce biti rahat sa svima u dzematu sve dok bude sve dzematlije gledao jednako i radio posao zbog kojeg je i primljen.

farah (2013-04-28 21:35:29)
Da sve je to tako kako ste rekli Hannah,samo ste uloge licemjernih pogresno poredali.Citajuci ovaj tekst,svaki savijestan dzematlija ce sebi priznati razliku prije I poslije promijena u dzematu kao I prije I poslije Abdulaha.Nekima u predjasnjem rukovodstvu je bilo bitno samo da se gradi dzamija I na taj nacin grade platform za svoje licne interese,a nije ih bilo briga za jedinstvo dzemata.A Abdulah se na ocigled svih stavio na jednu stranu tabora posto su bas zbog takvih licemjera napravljena dva.Pokazalo se ko su licemjeri.Dolazili su u dzamiju dok su bili na vlasti,i to je dokaz koliko im je stalo do vijere I jedinstva.Svoju vlast su cuvali uz pomoc Abdulaha I policijom na skupstinama I skidajuci kapute da se tuku.Cudno je samo kako im je bila ta pozicija MILA,a ne prima se plata za to...Sto se tice gradnje dzamije,pa sirom Amerike su nikle dzamije,pa jel to zbog ove u Seattleu Abdulah treba biti unikatan?A njegova islamska edukacija je samo ratna medresa I njegove govore s brda s dola I ptice znaju "ha,ba,jarane,hodziram,hodzastik I sl.Red je I bilo da se promijeni,jer podijela u dzematu je I odgovornost duhovnog vodje.Eh sad je narodu pruzena prilika da vide kako je imati I drugacijeg vodju od Abdulaha I massalah dzamija cvijeta.Nije on otiso zbog licemjernih,imun je on na to,vec sto je video da se bez postivanja zakona vise ne moze raditi.Zakoni su ga otjerali a na kraju krajeva I dosao je preko namijestalje,sto je I kumovalo buducnosti dzemata.A sadasnje rukovodstvo dzemata sa sigurnoscu tvrdim ce ispostovati svoj mandate I nece skidati kapute da se bije niti ce dovoditi policiju da mu cuva ledja za rad ostanka na "volonterskoj funkciji" I opet ce dolaziti u svoju dzamiju kao sto se I sada dolazi.
Kao dzematlija sa sigurnoscu mogu reci da se sada u dzamiji I okolini dise punim plucima.

Emina Polovina (2013-04-28 17:24:45)
Dear Members of the Islamic Community of Shoreline,

I thought long and hard about what I wanted to say, but sadly there are no words that fully encapsulate my sadness and disappointment with the article that was published above.

First and foremost, an organization, a mosque, a community, is not built overnight. Rather, it is the collective work of individuals that care and individuals that want to make a difference in this life, at the forefront of all of this is a leader.

Let me be clear, it is noble to praise the individual that we now proudly call our new Imam; Mr. Begzudin Jusic and Mr. Husejin Omerovic who temporary filled the position during the transition. We are all thankful for their presence and may Allah bless them and their families for all their efforts, Insha’Allah.

However, let us not forget how we got to where we are today and the individual (and family for that matter) that helped make it all possible.

In our dzemat that leader, for the past 12 years, was Imam Abdulah Polovina.
I was only 9 years old when Abdulah and his family moved from Bosnia to start a new life in America. Before his arrival, I regularly attended Sunday school at a local mosque but I was rarely excited about “going to Dzamija”. That quickly changed, a young and happy couple Abdulah and his wife Hatidza brought a fresh and new perspective to spreading the teachings of Islam. Instead of lecturing at their students, they read us stories from the Qu’ran, they taught us how to pray; they provided art projects and activities to keep our young minds thriving, allowing for personal expression; they played games with us; and the list is endless. From the bottom of their hearts they wished us well, wanting us to strive, to become righteous young muslin women and men.

As religious teachers and educators, Abdulah and Hatidza taught their students that Islam is continuous. It is not a school we attend on Sundays, it is not something we observe only at the mosque, and it is not just an occasion that brings us together at Ramadan. But rather it is a way of life. It is how we live our life, through our interactions, thoughts, and expressions. Through Islam, life is beautiful.

Iman Abdulah was not only a local leader, but a global one too…

I am currently a student at Washington State University, in Pullman, Washington. In the Palouse Muslim community, when I tell people I am from Seattle, they ask me if I know Imam Abdulah, if I have listened to one of his sermons, or if I have been to the mosque in Shoreline. With a smile on my face I am always honored to say that I have had the privilege to experience all of those things and so much more.

Summer of 2012, I was working in Istanbul, Turkey, for the Federation of Balkan American Associations; after introducing myself and where I was from, individuals would begin asking me if I knew Imam Abdulah- all of them bursting with only wonderful things to say about him and his family. Thousands of miles away from home yet, his warm and welcoming presence was felt by individuals worldwide.

Graduating from the University of Washington with a degree in comparative religion, Imam Abdulah understands the children of my generation. We are third-culture children; our parents were born and raised in Bosnia, yet we ourselves were raised in the American culture. We do not belong solely to either group; rather we are a unique combination of both. I proudly identify myself as a Bosnia- American Muslim. Imam Abdulah welcomed all people of the world, different nationality, cultures, and religions.

Last summer my friend, an Egyptian- American Muslim, visited the Islamic Center of Shoreline during a Friday Prayer. These are a few points that resonated with him after his visit:

“As a Muslim young adult brought up in the Pacific Northwest, I have always yearned for the teaching and practice of Islam in my 'context'. What 'context' is that? It is a context of young Muslims brought up by parents who did not grow up in the United States. Many of us speak another language, but for many of the youth in this 'context', English is the primary language. If not the primary language, English is the language that connects us all within this 'context'”.

“It warmed my heart when I entered your mosque and witnessed during Friday Prayer that Imam Abdulah took the time, effort, and consideration to address this 'context'. He made sure that the point of his sermon was accessible to many - even those who cannot speak Bosnian. This was especially important to me because I grew up in a small community where many of the Friday sermons would be solely in Arabic, making them inaccessible to the many members of the community who did not have a grasp for the Quranic language. Seeing Imam Abdulah take such a progressive and considerate step, even when large portions of his audience speak Bosnian, cemented that this man cares not only for his community, but for the higher purpose of Islam. May Allah reward Imam Abdulah and his family for their efforts. Their inclusive and hard-working ethic has allowed the mosque's Islamic community to thrive, and to bring all members closer to Allah (SWA), insha'Allah."

Imam Abdulah, Hatidza, and the rest of the Polovina family will always have a special place in my heart (as well as the hearts of many other individuals). They are individuals that we are so blessed to have in our lives; they poured their hearts and souls into creating a strong and successful Islamic community for the sake of Allah. They worked to create a welcoming environment for all Muslims to thrive and make a greater connection with their faith.

The last part is important; Muslim. We are Muslims; taught to love and care for all individuals of the earth, we greet one another with blessings of peace and set out to do good on earth for the sake of our Creator.

May Allah bless Imam Abdulah and his family for all of their efforts, love, and kindness they share with the world. Ameen.

Emina Polovina

Emina Polovina (2013-04-28 17:22:04)
Dear Members of the Islamic Community of Shoreline,

I thought long and hard about what I wanted to say, but sadly there are no words that fully encapsulate my sadness and disappointment with the article that was published above.

First and foremost, an organization, a mosque, a community, is not built overnight. Rather, it is the collective work of individuals that care and individuals that want to make a difference in this life, at the forefront of all of this is a leader.

Let me be clear, it is noble to praise the individual that we now proudly call our new Imam; Mr. Begzudin Jusic and Mr. Husejin Omerovic who temporary filled the position during the transition. We are all thankful for their presence and may Allah bless them and their families for all their efforts, Insha’Allah.

However, let us not forget how we got to where we are today and the individual (and family for that matter) that helped make it all possible.

In our dzemat that leader, for the past 12 years, was Imam Abdulah Polovina.
I was only 9 years old when Abdulah and his family moved from Bosnia to start a new life in America. Before his arrival, I regularly attended Sunday school at a local mosque but I was rarely excited about “going to Dzamija”. That quickly changed, a young and happy couple Abdulah and his wife Hatidza brought a fresh and new perspective to spreading the teachings of Islam. Instead of lecturing at their students, they read us stories from the Qu’ran, they taught us how to pray; they provided art projects and activities to keep our young minds thriving, allowing for personal expression; they played games with us; and the list is endless. From the bottom of their hearts they wished us well, wanting us to strive, to become righteous young muslin women and men.

As religious teachers and educators, Abdulah and Hatidza taught their students that Islam is continuous. It is not a school we attend on Sundays, it is not something we observe only at the mosque, and it is not just an occasion that brings us together at Ramadan. But rather it is a way of life. It is how we live our life, through our interactions, thoughts, and expressions. Through Islam, life is beautiful.

Iman Abdulah was not only a local leader, but a global one too…

I am currently a student at Washington State University, in Pullman, Washington. In the Palouse Muslim community, when I tell people I am from Seattle, they ask me if I know Imam Abdulah, if I have listened to one of his sermons, or if I have been to the mosque in Shoreline. With a smile on my face I am always honored to say that I have had the privilege to experience all of those things and so much more.

Summer of 2012, I was working in Istanbul, Turkey, for the Federation of Balkan American Associations; after introducing myself and where I was from, individuals would begin asking me if I knew Imam Abdulah- all of them bursting with only wonderful things to say about him and his family. Thousands of miles away from home yet, his warm and welcoming presence was felt by individuals worldwide.

Graduating from the University of Washington with a degree in comparative religion, Imam Abdulah understands the children of my generation. We are third-culture children; our parents were born and raised in Bosnia, yet we ourselves were raised in the American culture. We do not belong solely to either group; rather we are a unique combination of both. I proudly identify myself as a Bosnia- American Muslim. Imam Abdulah welcomed all people of the world, different nationality, cultures, and religions.

Last summer my friend, an Egyptian- American Muslim, visited the Islamic Center of Shoreline during a Friday Prayer. These are a few points that resonated with him after his visit:

“As a Muslim young adult brought up in the Pacific Northwest, I have always yearned for the teaching and practice of Islam in my 'context'. What 'context' is that? It is a context of young Muslims brought up by parents who did not grow up in the United States. Many of us speak another language, but for many of the youth in this 'context', English is the primary language. If not the primary language, English is the language that connects us all within this 'context'”.

“It warmed my heart when I entered your mosque and witnessed during Friday Prayer that Imam Abdulah took the time, effort, and consideration to address this 'context'. He made sure that the point of his sermon was accessible to many - even those who cannot speak Bosnian. This was especially important to me because I grew up in a small community where many of the Friday sermons would be solely in Arabic, making them inaccessible to the many members of the community who did not have a grasp for the Quranic language. Seeing Imam Abdulah take such a progressive and considerate step, even when large portions of his audience speak Bosnian, cemented that this man cares not only for his community, but for the higher purpose of Islam. May Allah reward Imam Abdulah and his family for their efforts. Their inclusive and hard-working ethic has allowed the mosque's Islamic community to thrive, and to bring all members closer to Allah (SWA), insha'Allah."

Imam Abdulah, Hatidza, and the rest of the Polovina family will always have a special place in my heart (as well as the hearts of many other individuals). They are individuals that we are so blessed to have in our lives; they poured their hearts and souls into creating a strong and successful Islamic community for the sake of Allah. They worked to create a welcoming environment for all Muslims to thrive and make a greater connection with their faith.

The last part is important; Muslim. We are Muslims; taught to love and care for all individuals of the earth, we greet one another with blessings of peace, and set out to do good on earth for the sake of our Creator.

May Allah bless Imam Abdulah and his family for all of their efforts, love, and kindness they share with the world. Ameen.

Emina Polovina

Hannah (2013-04-28 09:12:05)
Auuuu, koje se ovdje licemjerstvo ispoljava. Pa nas imam Abdulah je doprinjeo 95% trudu da zblizi i ujedini nas dzemat u izgradnji dzamije i dzemata a sad, citajuci "brizno napisane i izabrane rijeci" poput ove "pisateljice" izgleda da je bio nepismen (neobrazovan), nekulturan i nepristupacan... Da nam je Allah dz.s. na pomoci. Poznati su mi ovakvi licemjeri; zato je Abdulah i otisao. Da nam novi efendija i njegova familija izdrze i osabure njihovo bivanje i rad medju ovakvim ljudima. A ima nas i cestitih, hvala Allahu... Samo oni licemjerni su na "vlasti" u nasem dzematu i treba ih pod hitno "skinuti"... Nase rukovodstvo dzemata me podsjeca na mini strukturu politike BiH... Sram vas bilo na ovakvom pisanju i komentarisanju...

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