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Dobri Bosnjani
je rođen 1952. godine u Bihaću. Medicinski fakultet je završio u Beogradu 1977. godine. Jedno vrijeme (16 mjeseci) radio je u Libiji kao ljekar opće prakse. Od 1980. do 1984. godine, specijalizirao je otorinolaringologiju i cervikofacijalnu hirurgiju. U isto vrijeme je završio postdiplomski studij iz ORL i MFK u Zagrebu, poslije čega je ponovo godinu dana proveo u Libiji. Jedan je od osnivača političke partije pod nazivom Stranka demokratske akcije. Na prvim višestranačkim izborima izabran je za predsjednika Okruga Bihać i tu funkciju je obnašao 10 mjeseci. Bio je član Glavnog i Izvršnog odbora SDA. Dvadeset sedmog marta 1994. godine izabran je za predsjednika Glavnog odbora SDA. Za Ministra vanjskih poslova RBiH postavljen je odlukom o izboru Vlade RBiH na sjednici održanoj 23. juna 1994. godine. Na toj dužnosti je poginuo 28. maja 1995. godine. Helikopter kojim se vraćao iz Bihaća u Zagreb oboren je raketom hrvatskih Srba nedaleko od hrvatsko-bosanske granice, u blizini Velike Kladuše. Sahranjen je 8. juna 1995. godine u Bihaću. Jedan od primjera liječnika i političara koji je na samom početku svoje karijere odavao znake veličine u društveno-političkom životu Bosne bio je Irfan Ljubijankić, humanist koji ni u politici nije odstupao od principa humanosti. Na počecima političkih uspjeha zadesila ga je smrt. Prekinut je njegov uspješno započeti politički angažman, a njegovom smrću Bosna je izgubila jednog od onih političara koji je po cijenu života obavljao političke misije za njene žitelje. Da nije poginuo na samom početku političke karijere, svi koji su ga poznavali (kao i autor ovog teksta) tvrde da bi to bio nosilac pozitivnih ideja i političkih kretanja u Bosni i oko nje. On je prvi bosanskohercegovacki političar koji je govorio da Bosna mora biti građanska i multietnička. On je politička i ljudska legenda za primjer generacijama. Poginuo je kao jedan od graditelja novog vremena za Bosnu i Bosance. Iz knjige \"PROFESIJA I POLITIKA\" Autor: Mirsad Selmanović Načelnik štaba 5. korpusa Bogu je potrebna svaka ruka, da prenese razum i nadu beznadežnima, Njemu je potrebno svako oko, da pomaže, gledati onima što žive u tami. Njemu su potrebna svaka usta, da svjedoče istinu prognanima. Njemu je potrebno svako srce, da napaćenima ublaži tugu. Njemu treba svaki čovjek da bi sve njegove planove ostvario. Zato ne žalite, jer ciljevi, za koje sam se borio, žive dalje. Ja ću tek onda biti mrtav, ako izgubite hrabrost, ako napustite zajedničke ciljeve, ako samo na sebe budete mislili. Zbog toga ne tražite moj mezar i ne žalite zamnom. NA VIJEST KADA SU SRPSKI ZLOCINCI SRUSILI HELIKOPTER Maja 29. 1995. godine nakon vijesti o pogibiji clanova bosanske Vlade. Ovaj barbarski čin za familiju i prijatelje ravan je kataklizmi. Njihove ubice nisu ljudi, jer ljudi koliko toliko postuju neke norme i kodekse, ova vrsta ne posjeduje nista cime bi se mogla uvrstiti u ljudski rod. Sve ljudske i civilizacijske norme oni su pogazili pa i pored toga mnogi u svijetu to nece osuditi iz prostih razloga sto su i sami takvi. Tesko je sada u ovom momentu govoriti ko je, a ko nije pogodjen njihovom smrcu, naravno svi savjesni gradjani RBiH u zemlji i van zemlje, prijatelji i poznanici sirom svijeta ali mislim da najvecu bol podnose njihove familije, supruge i djeca. Ir. Salih Čavkić Predsjednik KO klubova i udruzenja BiH u zemljama EZ. The 28 May, 1995 on a helicopter flight from Bihac, a besieged government town in northwestern Bosnia when he was shot down was killed in the helicopter were: Dr. Irfan Ljubijankic, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina (he was born in Bihac); Izet Muhamedagic, Assistant Justice Minister; Dr. Mensur Sabulic, Member of Embassy Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina in Zagreb; Major Fadil Pekic an aid to Ljubijankiæ and the helicopter crew. Rebel Serbs in neighboring Croatia claimed responsibility for the attack on helicopter and killing passengers. Neka je vjecni Rahmet svim poginulim u helikopteru 28. 05. \'95, i ujedno iskrena sućut i zaljenje njihovim familijama: Dr. Irfan Ljubijankić Ministar Vanjskih poslova RBiH Izet Muhamedagić Zamjenik ministra pravde u Vladi RBiH Dr. Mensur Šabulić član DKPBiH Major Fadil Pekić Ataše i osobni pratilac Dr. I. Ljubijankića Pilot N. Dudajev Za Pripremio: Salih CAVKIC, Belgija Dr. Irfan Ljubijankić (1952 - May 28,) was a Bosniak facial surgeon, classical composer, politician and diplomat. Ljubijankić was born in Bihać, Bosnia, town in which he lived for most of his In 1990 as Bosnia was preparing for independence from Yugoslavia, he was ted to the Bosnian parliament and became ading member of the Party of Democratic on. He temporarily left politics in 1992 the beginning of the aggression on ia by the Serbs, in order to serve as a doctor in Bihać, where shelling by Serbs caused many facial injuries among populace. Ljubijankić remained an ve medical doctor until October 1993 when ecame foreign minister of Bosnia and egovina. He traveled widely to help gain rnational support for his country. tly before his death, he represented ia-Herzegovina at the 50th anniversary bration of the end of World War II in on on May 1, 1995. He was killed when his copter was shot down by a missile over ngrad, Croatia, a town near the Bosnian er which was being occupied by aggressor s at that time. Ljubijankić was ied and had two children. Dr. Irfan, was then the acting Bosnian Foreign ster, had written a song in Bosnian h, when translated, meant \'I HAVE NO ONS THAT ROAR\' and recorded it himself on cassette presented to Yusuf in a chance ing in London early in 1995. Dr Irfan had d Yusuf to use this material to help ort his country\'s struggle at the latter es of the aggression on Bosnia. So the is orginially written and composed by Ljubijankic himself, translated into ish by Yusuf Islam and performed by ian singer Dino Merlin. Lady areth Thatcher about Dr. Irfan ijankic: \"The assassination of Dr n Ljubijankic was more than a tragedy: it an outrage. For the rebel Serbs of tia and Bosnia-Herzegovina and their ers in Belgrade, it was just one more cious act of callous barbarism along the l of blood which has led from Vukovar to jevo, from Bihac to Tuzla. But to kill foreign minister of an internationally gnised sovereign state is to challenge ctly the whole international order. Such of terrorism are ultimately aimed at all esmen everywhere. For that reason, if for ther, this vile act should have received more attention and far louder emnation than it has. Dr Ljubijankic because he had the courage and spirit of ice required to hold public office in dangerous circumstances as those in h Bosnians find themselves today. I knew jubijankic all too briefly. But I was essed by his sincerity and his sense of ose. He was constant in pressing Bosnia\'s cause on every occasion - even when he that so many stopped their ears against arguments. The best tribute we can to his memory now is to ensure that the pendent state of Bosnia and its people through this valley of death; that they given the means to defend themselves; their internationally recognised borders honoured in fact as well as in name; and the spirit of tolerange and cooperation, h marked out Bosnia before the men of ence manipulated by Belgrade distrubed flourishes anew. I honour Dr ijankic: I offer my deepest sympathy to family: I shall continue to do all I can nsure that the Bosnia in which he eved and for which he died survives and eeds.\" Dr. Ljubijankic was aware of dangers associated with his helicopter ney to Bihac, but he refused to abandon people who he wished to stand by with and e their pain and ggle. Lyrics: I have no cannons roar But I have faith in God and And I\'ll surrender you to no one My mother, Bosnia, my love Those d tanks that crush Cannot break the r of my Una Nor the sun\'s gleaming rfall drops I\'ll defend you with my last th I\'ll defend this bit of iness A flame in my heart, and the tears y son The mercy of God, and the door of ouse Like a light at the end of my ney And your warm eyes And the dear ts of Bihaca Burn in my heart tonight death victory comes Don\'t look for my e Freedom will come When I\'m gone I\'ll verywhere: In a warm breeze from the In the rippling and trickling river In smile of the child In the blue sky of ca You will know how to find me For yone else I\'m just a secret And when you l those sweet fragrance of flowers It\'s perfume of my soul And your warm and the dear lights of Bihaca Burn in eart tonight In death victory s Don\'t look for my grave Freedom will When I\'m gone I\'ll be everywhere I no cannons that roar But I have faith od and love And I\'ll surrender you to no else My mother, Bosnia, my love [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ I ] [ J ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ] [ O ] [ P ] [ R ] [ S ] [ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ Z ]
ABDAGIĆ, MuhamedAGIĆ, Dr. Senad ef. AGOVIĆ, Šemso AHMETAGIĆ, Prof. dr. Esad AJANOVIĆ, Irfan AJANOVIC, Midhat AKMADZIC, Hazim ALAGIĆ, General Mehmed ALAGIC, Sukrija ALIC, Meho ALIHODŽIĆ, Dr.-Ing. Bernes ALIKADIĆ, Bisera ALISPAHIĆ, Mr. Fatmir ALISPAHIC, Nijaz ALISPAHIC, Selma ARMIJA BiH ARNAUT, Selim AVDIĆ, Ćamil ŠANTIĆ, Ferid Ferko ŠKALJIĆ, Nezir-ef. ŠTULANOVIĆ, Prof. dr. Muharem ŽDRALOVIĆ, MUHAMED ČAJNIČANIN, Muhamed ČAJNIČANIN, Muhamed ČAMPARA, ESREF ČAUŠEVIĆ, Mehmed Džemaludin ef. ČEJVAN, Adem ĆATIĆ, Ćazim - Musa ĆATOVIĆ, Dr. Saffet |