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![]() DIREKTOR IGK U NEW YORKU: SREBRENICA, BIH I SVIJET IMAJU POTREBU ZA PRAVDOM I PRIZNANJEM ZA ŽRTVE GENOCIDA Direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada {IGK} Emir Ramić će prisustvovati sjednici Generalne skupštine UN na kojoj će se razmatrati i usvajati Rezolucija o "Međunarodnom danu sjećanja i obilježavanja genocida u Srebrenici”. IGK je aktivno učestvovao u procesu lobiranja za usvajanje Rezolucije. Posebna aktivnost je bila u Kanadi koja je sponzor Rezolucije. Direktor IGK Emir Ramić je prije odlaska u New York izjavio: "Podrška Rezoluciji je ključna u našoj zajedničkoj potrazi za pravdom, istinom, kulturom sjećanja i odgovornošću. Boreći se za pravdu, čuvamo mir. Molim sve članice Generalne skupštine UN da podrže Rezoluciju. Razmislimo o poruci Rezolucije dok tražimo podršku na Generalnoj skupštini UN. Jer Srebrenica, BiH i svijet imaju potrebu za pravdom i priznanjem za žrtve i preživjele. Srebrenica je posljednjih mjeseci ponovo vraćena na globalnu internacionalnu scenu kao simbol borbe za pravdu, istinu, pomirenje, učenje, prevenciju genocida i u konačnici simbol borbe protiv negiranja genocida i glorifikovanja presuđenih ratnih zločinaca. Od toga niko više ne može pobjeći. Hvala svima u svijetu koji dižu svoj glas za istinu o genocidu u Srebrenici i pravdu za žrtve tog strašnog zločina", - izjavio je Emir Ramić, direktor IGK. 🔴 IGK- in NEW YORK Director of the Institute For Research of Genocide Canada (IGK) Emir Ramic will attend the session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) where the Resolution on the "International Day of Remembrance and Commemoration of the Genocide in Srebrenica" will be discussed and adopted. IGK actively participated in the lobbying process for the adoption of the Resolution. A special activity was in Canada which is the sponsor of the Resolution. Statement by IGK-Director Emir Ramic before leaving to New York: "Supporting the Resolution is crucial in our common search for justice, truth, a culture of remembrance and responsibility. By fighting for justice, we preserve peace. I ask all members of the UN General Assembly to support the Resolution. Let us reflect on the message of the Resolution as we seek invaluable support at the UN General Assembly. Because Srebrenica, BiH and the world need justice and recognition for the victims and survivors. In recent months, Srebrenica has been returned to the global international stage as a symbol of the fight for justice, truth, reconciliation, learning, prevention of genocide and ultimately a symbol of the fight against the denial of genocide and the glorification of convicted war criminals. No one can escape from that. Thank you to everyone in the world who raise their voices for the truth about the genocide in Srebrenica and justice for the victims of that terrible crime." |