From 01 - 07 March 2004
Objavljeno: 15. Mar 2004. 00:03:00

For the very first time, The Independence Day of Bosnia has been marked for a whole week, with a very rich content of memorable events.

Musical performances by prominent artists from Sarajevo, Banjaluka, and Tuzla filled our souls and our hearts with peace and joy, while awakening our memories of the past. The premiere of the documentary film “March of Death”,commemorating the Srebrenica Genocide, left the audience with a stance of yearning awe silently honoring the Genocide victims and sympathizing with its valiant survivors. Within a moment of silence, a novel of words and emotions was heartfelt.

Under the organization of America-Bosnia Cultural Foundation in New York and a tremendous effort of its president H.E. Dr Sasha Toperich, and support from H.E. Dr Mirza Kusljugic, the Permanent Representative of Bosnia to the U.N., we have had an unforgettable week of Bosnia at the United Nations.

The fact of the matter is that the already obscure position of the UN on the issue has weakened. Whether it is a question of courage to confront or resources to spend, the interest for the Bosnian Genocide and the nation itself is fading evermore.
History cannot be altered or forgotten, the future can be bright, but it looks highly subjective if we languish the past. Therefore, it becomes an imperative task to engage in such events furthermore and set a precedent for the future. Not only because of its explicit content, but simply because it would be a shameful tragedy to have the history repeat itself.

The week of Bosnia at the U.N. has just been one magnificent beginning of a history lesson but the challenge still remains to consistently build on the progress already achieved in order to envision a more prosperous future

There was no better place to start it, but where it all began . . .

Special thank you to the patrons for their time and support:
Bosnian officials,
Honorable Richard Holbrook,
Mr.Stanley Fisher,Vice Chairman Citi Group,
Dr. Sheri Fink, Author of the book “War Hospital”,
Mrs. Hissa Majed Al-Shaheen, Women Affairs Committee Kuwait,
Mrs. Elissa Montanti, Global Medical Relief Fund, Staten Island,
Ms. Elana Haviv and Kate Chumley, Children’s Movement for Creative Education, New York,
Representatives of United States, Turkey, Estonia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Italy . . .